Matthew Bush receives 2014 Eli Lilly Young Investigator Award in Analytical Chemistry

From UW Chemistry website (link):

Eli Lilly

Assistant Professor Matthew F. Bush has been selected to receive the 2014 Eli Lilly and Company Young Investigator Award in Analytical Chemistry. The award is given by the Analytical Chemistry Academic Contacts Committee at Eli Lilly and Company based upon Dr. Bush’s outstanding research, publication record, and the impact they feel he is making in the field of analytical chemistry.

Upcoming Presentations: November/December 2014

Prof. Bush will present the following seminars this Winter:

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 12/2/14.
  • Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 12/1/14.
  • Department of Chemistry, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 11/17/14.
  • Department of Chemistry, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI, 11/17/14.
  • Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 11/10/14.
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry Fall Workshop, Seattle, WA, 11/7/14. (Link)

Upcoming Presentations: September 2014

Prof. Bush will present the following seminars this September:

  • Department of Chemistry, Gustavus Aldolphus College, Saint Peter, MN. 9/26/14.
  • Minnesota Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 9/25/14. (Seminar at 7:00 PM at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Room 15, 1334 Eckles Ave., St. Paul, 55108.)
  • Department of Chemistry, Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN. 9/24/14.
  • Applications of Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Waters Co. / University of California at Los Angeles, Long Beach, CA, 9/15/14. (Link)
  • Proteomics Resource Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 9/9/14.

MFB thanks the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Local Area Discussion Group Speaker Support Program for support for his trip to Minnesota.

Goodbye to Chrissy Stachl and Nora Munger

The Bush Lab says goodbye to Chrissy Stachl and Nora Munger. Chrissy recently graduated from the University of Washington as a Gates Millennium Scholar with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Neurobiology. She will spend next year as a DAAD Scholar in the laboratory of Gert von Helden at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin. Nora Munger was an Amgen Scholar this summer and will return to Carleton College to complete degrees in Chemistry and Art History. 

248th American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting


The Bush Lab and collaborators will present the following talks at the 248th American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, which will be held in San Francisco (August 10-14):

  • Droplet sizes, electrospray currents, and nonspecific aggregation in electrokinetically controlled native nanoelectrospray ionization. Kimberly L Davidson, Derek Oberreit, Christopher J Hogan, Matthew F Bush. (Sunday at 3:10 PM in Moscone Center, North Bldg. Room: 130)
  • Native electrospray ionization: From initial droplets to final ions. Matthew F. Bush (Monday at 3:20 PM in Moscone Center, North Bldg. Room: 125)
  • Determining masses, separating mixtures, and probing structures of native-like ions using selected cation to anion proton transfer (SCAPT) reactions. Matthew F. Bush, Kenneth J. Laszlo. (Wednesday at 3:30 PM in Moscone Center, North Bldg. Room: 125)

Prof. Bush is also organizing the Advances in Ionization Techniques and Mechanisms Symposium, which will be held on Monday in Moscone Center, North Bldg. Room: 125. Prof. Bush thanks the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry, Agilent, Bruker, Sutter InstrumentThermo Scientific, and Waters for the generous sponsorship that made this symposium possible. (Symposium Program | 405 kB)

  • Introductory Remarks (8:30)
  • Development of Multi-Stage Reactive Transmission Mode Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Characterizing Multicatalytic Reactions. Richard H. Perry, Kevin C. Peters, Kevin E. Parker, Troy J. Comi (8:35)
  • Development of Solvent-Free Ambient Mass Spectrometry for Green Chemistry ApplicationsHao Chen, Pengyuan Liu, Amanda Forni. (9:05)
  • Ambient ionization mass spectrometric imaging with high spatiotemporal resolutionRichard N. Zare, Jae Kyoo Lee, Hong Gil Nam (9:35)
  • Intermission (10:05)
  • Development of a surface acoustic wave nebulization source for mass spectrometryDavid Goodlett, Tao Liang, Scott R Heron, Shivangi Awasthi, Sung H Yoon, Yue Huang, Michael Wilson, David P A Kilgour. (10:05)
  • Magic Matrices for Ionization in Mass Spectrometry. Sarah Trimpin. (10:55)
  • Low zeptomole detection limits with capillary electrophoresis coupled to an improved nanosprayNorman J. Dovichi, Liangliang Sun, Guijie Zhu (11:25)
  • Break for Lunch (11:55)
  • Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Electrospray Ionization (MALDESI): From Fundamentals to Tissue and Chemical Imaging. David C. Muddiman. (1:30)
  • Matrix-free, ambient pressure mass spectrometry via ultra-intense laser vaporization. Robert J. Levis. (2:00)
  • Molecular modeling of the ejection mechanisms of macromolecules from charged nanodroplets. Styliani Consta. (2:30)
  • Intermission. (3:00)
  • Native Electrospray Ionization: From Initial Droplets to Final Ions. Matthew F. Bush. (3:20)
  • Charges in protein electrospray ionization: Like or opposite? Rachel R. Ogorzalek Loo, Joseph A. Loo. (3:50)
  • Supercharging, Fast Mixing and Charge Detection in Mass Spectrometry. Evan R. Williams. (4:20)

Kim Davidson is also co-organizing the Graduate Student Symposium on International Collaborations with International Impact: Chemistry for Global Change, which will be held on Tuesday in the Esplanade Ballroom 304 in the south building of the Moscone Center.

We look forward to seeing everyone in San Francisco!

Ion Mobility MS Workshop at ASMS

Erin and I hope that everyone enjoyed this year’s workshop! Mike Bowers, Colin Creaser, and Herb Hill have kindly agreed to share their slides (links below).

Applying Ion Mobility to Biological Problems
Erin Baker (PNNL) and Matt Bush (University of Washington), presiding
5:45 PM on Monday, June 16th. Room 314-317.

Results from ion mobility mass spectrometry studies are increasingly used to answer questions in biology, including applications to metabolomics, proteomics, targeted interactions, and large molecules. This is in part attributed to the increasing performance and selection of commercial ion mobility mass spectrometry instrumentation, which has made it easier to integrate ion mobility technologies into mass spectrometry workflows. In this workshop, 3 members of the community will present their perspectives on the future of ion mobility MS in biology. These perspectives will be followed by a panel discussion of the challenges that arise in different types of ion mobility studies, what is possible today, and opportunities for the future.

Perspectives on the Future of Ion Mobility MS

  • Michael Bowers (University of California, Santa Barbara) (Slides | PDF | 2.3 mb)
  • Colin Creaser (Loughborough University) (Slides | PDF | 220 kb)
  • Herb Hill (Washington State University) (Slides | PDF | 5.9 mb)

Panel Discussion

  • Michael Bowers (University of California, Santa Barbara)
  • Colin Creaser (Loughborough University)
  • Kevin Giles (Waters)
  • Michael Grössl (TOFWERKS)
  • Herb Hill (Washington State University)
  • Mel Park (Bruker)
  • Brad Schneider (AB SCIEX)
  • George Stafford (Agilent)
  • Danielle Toutoungi (Owlstone)

Please send questions or suggestions for the panel discussion to Erin Baker ( or Matt Bush ( We look forward to seeing everyone in Baltimore!

Chrissy Stachl selected as a Gonfalonieres

Gonfalon2013Chrissy Stachl has been selected to lead degree candidates from the College of Arts and Sciences at this year’s Commencement. From the University of Washington:

Each year the various schools and colleges select a student or students to lead their degree candidates in the procession at the University of Washington’s Commencement Ceremony. These students are called gonfalonieres because they carry the school’s gonfalon, a banner that hangs down from a crosspiece and bears that school’s name and symbol.

To learn more about the Gonfalonieres and Chrissy, click here.