May Constabel


May graduated from the University of British Columbia with a B.Sc. in Chemistry. During her time at UBC, she developed a home-built Ag/AgCl electrode for use in undergraduate teaching experiments and demonstrations. At the same time, she worked for Anandia Labs developing a new UPLC-MS-MS method for afla- and ochratoxin determination. After graduating in 2019, she joined Anandia Labs full-time. May joined the Bush lab in Fall 2022 and is working on the temperature-controlled electrospray ionization source project.


Maryam Haghighi, Samuel J. Livingston, May A. Constabel, and Erin J. Gilchrist. Silica Accumulates in Non-Glandular Trichomes and Sites of Powdery Mildew Infection in Cannabis Sativa L. J. Food. Agric. Environ. 2021, 19 (1), 52–57.