The Bush Lab welcomes Anna Bakhtina, who is an undergraduate biochemistry major. Click here to learn more about Anna.
New Lab Member: Jack Buckner
The Bush Lab welcomes Jack Buckner, who is visiting this summer from Carleton College. Click here to learn more about Jack.
2016 Chemistry Awards Dinner
Congratulations to (from left):
- Sam Allen, who received a graduate student fellowship from the Irving and Mildred Shain Endowed Fund in Chemistry
- Kim Davidson, who received a graduate student fellowship from the Reinhardt Family Endowed Fund in Chemistry
- Rae Eaton, who received a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Graduate Fellowship and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Cece Hong, who received a graduate student fellowship from the Schomaker Endowed Fund in Chemistry
Advancing Mass Spectrometry for Biophysics and Structural Biology 2017
AMS 2017 will be held at the University of Michigan from July 27th to August 1st. We look forward to seeing everyone in Ann Arbor!
Understanding the global biomolecular structure space is an unquestionably important goal for endeavors ranging from the development of new biomaterials to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. This conference will bring together a wide array of experts that aim to both develop and apply new mass spectrometry (MS) methods in structural biology and biophysics, broadly defined. The timeliness of this conference coincides with the rapidly expanding role of MS in structural biology, which has already made great strides in extracting the details of biomolecule structures from mixtures, using orders of magnitude less sample than other structural probes. Advancing Mass Spectrometry for Biophysics and Structural Biology 2017 will showcase the best science and promote an exchange of ideas between leaders and new-comers to the biology/mass spectrometry interface, in order to propel this exciting topic toward future successes.
New Publication: Ion mobility mass spectrometry of peptide, protein, and protein complex ions using a radio-frequency confining drift cell
Ion mobility mass spectrometry of peptide, protein, and protein complex ions using a radio-frequency confining drift cell
Samuel J. Allen, Kevin Giles, Tony Gilbert, Matthew F. Bush. Analyst 2016, in press. (Link)
Ion mobility mass spectrometry experiments enable the characterization of mass, assembly, and shape of biological molecules and assemblies. Here, a new radio-frequency confining drift cell is characterized and used to measure the mobilities of peptide, protein, and protein complex ions. Continue reading “New Publication: Ion mobility mass spectrometry of peptide, protein, and protein complex ions using a radio-frequency confining drift cell”
Chrissy Stachl to speak at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
Chrissy Stachl will present the following talk at the 17th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, May 16th:
Supercharging of Native-Like Proteins and Protein Complexes: Effects of m-Nitrobenzyl Alcohol versus Sulfolane
Chrissy Stachl, Samuel Allen, Matthew Bush
Session 1U | Chemistry of Materials and Biomolecules | 12:30 PM to 2:15 PM | 175 JHN
Congratulations to Sam Allen!
Congratulations to Sam Allen, who just passed his General Exam and has advanced to candidacy!
Mercer University Visit Featured in JASMS
Prof. Bush’s recent visit to Mercer University was featured in the New & Views section of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Prof. Bush thanks the American Society for Mass Spectrometry for sponsoring his visit.
- New & Views (PDF)
Upcoming Presentations: November 2013
Prof. Bush will present the following seminars this November:
- Department of Chemistry, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, 11/25/13. MFB thanks Prof. Tina Saxowsky for hosting this visit.
- Joint Chemistry Seminar, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges, Claremont, CA, 11/19/13. MFB thanks the American Society for Mass Spectrometry for travel support and Prof. Aaron Leconte for hosting this visit.
- Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, 11/11/13. MFB thanks Prof. Victor Ryzhov and Prof. Marc Adler for hosting this visit.
- Department of Chemistry, Mercer University, Macon, GA, 11/1/13. MFB thanks the American Society for Mass Spectrometry for travel support and Prof. Kathryn Kloepper for hosting this visit.
Sam Allen at Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions
Sam Allen will present the following poster at the Gordon Research Conference: Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions, which takes place at Hotel Galvez in Galveston, TX from February 24 – March 1 2013.
- Samuel J. Allen and Matthew F. Bush. The Effects of Radial Confinement on the Apparent Mobility of Ions in Gases
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