New Publication: Structural characterization of small molecular ions by ion mobility mass spectrometry in nitrogen drift gas

Structural characterization of small molecular ions by ion mobility mass spectrometry in nitrogen drift gas: improving the accuracy of trajectory method calculations. Jong Wha Lee, Hyun Hee L. Lee, Kimberly L. Davidson, Matthew F. Bush, Hugh I. Kim. Analyst 2018, in press. (Link)

The investigation of ion structures based on a combination of ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) experiments and theoretical collision cross section (CCS) calculations has become important to many fields of research. However, the accuracy of current CCS calculations for ions in nitrogen drift gas limits the information content of many experiments. In particular, few studies have evaluated and attempted to improve the theoretical tools for CCS calculation in nitrogen drift gas. In this study, Continue reading “New Publication: Structural characterization of small molecular ions by ion mobility mass spectrometry in nitrogen drift gas”

New Publication: Collision Cross Sections and Ion Structures

Collision Cross Sections and Ion Structures: Development of a General Calculation Method via High-quality Ion Mobility Measurements and Theoretical Modeling. Jong Wha Lee, Kimberly L. Davidson, Matthew F. Bush, Hugh I. Kim. Analyst 2017, in press. (Link)

Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) has become an important tool for the structural investigation of ions in the gas phase. Accurate theoretical evaluation of ion collision cross sections (CCSs) is essential for the effective application of IM-MS in structural studies. However, current theoretical tools have limitations in accurately describing a broad range of ions from small molecules to macromolecules. Continue reading “New Publication: Collision Cross Sections and Ion Structures”

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry Cover

Congratulations to Kim Davidson, whose research is featured on the cover of the special issue on “New developments and applications of mass spectrometry methods for studying non-covalent protein interactions”.

Nonspecific Aggregation in Native Electrokinetic Nanoelectrospray Ionization. Kimberly L. Davidson; Derek R. Oberreit; Christopher J. Hogan; Matthew F. Bush. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2017420, 35–42. (Link | Cover)

New Publication: Effects of Charge State, Charge Distribution, and Structure on the Ion Mobility of Protein Ions in Helium Gas

Effects of Charge State, Charge Distribution, and Structure on the Ion Mobility of Protein Ions in Helium Gas: Results from Trajectory Method Calculations. Kenneth J. Laszlo, Matthew F. Bush. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2017, in press. (Link)

Collision cross section (Ω) values of gas-phase ions of proteins and protein complexes are used to probe the structures of the corresponding species in solution. Ions of many proteins exhibit increasing Ω-values with increasing charge state but most Ω-values calculated for protein ions have used simple collision models that do not explicitly account for charge. Here we use a combination of ion mobility mass spectrometry experiments with helium gas and trajectory method calculations to characterize the extents to which increases in experimental Ω-values with increasing charge state may be attributed to increased momentum transfer concomitant with enhanced long-range interactions between the protein ion and helium atoms. Continue reading “New Publication: Effects of Charge State, Charge Distribution, and Structure on the Ion Mobility of Protein Ions in Helium Gas”

ACS Fall National Meeting in DC 2017

Matt Bush presented the following talks at the ACS Fall National Meeting in Washington DC, where he also received the Arthur F. Findeis Award for Achievements by a Young Analytical Scientist.

ANYL 269: Interpreting the collision cross sections of proteins: Insights from ion mobility, unfolding, and folding of ions in the gas phase, as a part of the Analytical Division Award Symposium.

PHYS 322: Effects of charge state on the structures of protein ions: Results from cation-to-anion proton-transfer reactions (CAPTR), as a part of the symposium on Gaseous Ion Chemistry & Surface Reactions.

New Publication: Interpreting the Collision Cross Sections of Native-Like Protein Ions: Insights from Cation-to-Anion Proton-Transfer Reactions

Interpreting the Collision Cross Sections of Native-Like Protein Ions: Insights from Cation-to-Anion Proton-Transfer Reactions. Kenneth J. Laszlo, Matthew F. Bush. Anal. Chem. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01474. (Link)

The effects of charge state on structures of native-like cations of serum albumin, streptavidin, avidin, and alcohol dehydrogenase were probed using cation-to-anion proton-transfer reactions (CAPTR), ion mobility, mass spectrometry, and complementary energy-dependent experiments. The CAPTR products all have collision cross-section (Ω) values that are within 5.5% of the original precursor cations. The first CAPTR event for each precursor yields products Continue reading “New Publication: Interpreting the Collision Cross Sections of Native-Like Protein Ions: Insights from Cation-to-Anion Proton-Transfer Reactions”

New Publication: Structural Dynamics of Native-Like Ions in the Gas Phase: Results from Tandem Ion Mobility of Cytochrome c

Structural Dynamics of Native-Like Ions in the Gas Phase: Results from Tandem Ion Mobility of Cytochrome c. Samuel J. Allen, Rachel M. Eaton, Matthew F. Bush. Anal. Chem. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b01234. (Link)

Ion mobility (IM) is a gas-phase separation technique that is used to determine the collision cross sections of native-like ions of proteins and protein complexes, which are in turn used as restraints for modeling the structures of those analytes in solution. Here, we evaluate the stability of native-like ions using tandem IM experiments implemented using structures for lossless ion manipulations (SLIM). In this implementation of tandem IM, ions undergo a first dimension of IM up to a switch that is used to selectively transmit ions of a desired mobility. Selected ions are accumulated in a trap and then released after a delay to initiate the second dimension of IM. For delays ranging from 16 to 33 231 ms, Continue reading “New Publication: Structural Dynamics of Native-Like Ions in the Gas Phase: Results from Tandem Ion Mobility of Cytochrome c”